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    The best local friends

    give the best local tips...

  • With LocalWander you...

    ...talk with selected local experts in a private chat.

    Yeah, that's right!

    We are an app that connects you with personal advisers that will tell you the best things to do in your city, right now  ; )

  • Become a trendsetter

    learn which are the best Restaurants, Night Clubs, Bars, Stores, etc., in real time with the tailor made tips from your Local Experts.

    Where are we?

    In selected cities...
    ...through selected partners

    LocalWander partners with local brands that are top of mind in local content to provide the best content with credibility.

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    São Paulo, Brazil

    The best blog about where to go in São Paulo is representing LocalWander in Brazil's largest city and Latin America's most important business hub.

    Expanding soon

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    to hear our news

    Want to represent us?

    click here to contact us.

  • The experiences

    are the only thing that matters.

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    For the user

    Monthly fee

    For unlimited use during 30 days the user buys access to LocalWander and gets a unique token to activate the private chat with 2 local experts.

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    For the local

    Treats, gifts and bonus fees

    Locals give an extra use to their local knowledge and earn exclusive benefits from free tastings to an extra money.

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    For our partners

    Shared revenue

    Our partners gain total exclusivity in their cities and a version of our app with their brand on it. They do the content curatorship, advertisements and sales.

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    For LocalWander

    Working with the best

    We provide the technology, processes and mainly our expertise to guarantee quality. In exchange we get to work with the best partners and locals while expanding to new cities.

  • Meet some of our Locals

    Our Local Experts, the ones on the other side of the chat, are hand picked.

    They pass through a carefull selection process and only the best ones get to be a part of our community ;)

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    The city feels like an infinite invitation for Carol. She's always up for cultural events, street markets and museums. A perfect day would finish in a great bar or concert surrounded by friends.

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    Gus is the perfect company for delighting yourself in some of the best restaurants in town. From cheap to expensive, the love for gastronomy grew so big that he's been blogging about it at DNA Carioca.

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    In the constant search for balance and spirituality, Luiza is a day person. She loves to connect to the nature and enjoy city's most classic activities like going to a soccer match and dancing samba.

  • What our users are saying:

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    I live here for years but I always use LocalWander before doing something new. They are always in the know. Thanks!" 

    Caroline Rocha - Brazil

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    It was very personal. I will definitely use LocalWander again!  

    Paulo Melo - Brazil

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    “Local Wander made me feel part of the local community. An excellent source of information of Rio real life and various points of interest! Loved it!”     Karolina Hamerla - Poland


  • Contact Us

    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.

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